Future of Rosetta Task Force Update
By Camille Mathis The FoR Task Force would like to share this update with the Rosetta Commons community. One year ago, at the start of 2022, the Rosetta board asked our group to explore open-sourcing Rosetta in order to adapt to the changing landscape and rapid developments in our field. Over the past year, starting with presentations on open-sourcing ideas to the TeleCon group and the Board, the work evolved to focus more broadly on the Future of Rosetta. This pivot was determined to be an essential prerequisite for realistic and thoughtful conversations about open source feasibility. The efforts of the team included a proposal on the future organizational structure and fiscal sponsorship, a town hall meeting to capture community perspectives on the proposal, a vote by the Board to endorse the revised proposal, discussions at RosettaCon, and formation of committees to carry out the next stages of visioning and capacity building for our community. To reference past FoR activities, see ...